Welcome to our new weekly State of the Union update. This is our weekly update on our firms’ activities to help update our Manufacturer business partners. Today’s update is for last week’s hard work from 5/4 – 5/08/2020. Scroll down to view images and watch the embedded YouTube video of Tara’s address.
What is an Activity? Activities encompass all emails, phone calls, virtual meetings, facetime check-in, and virtual training’s. It is important to note that some of our virtual training’s have multiple people on them from either a particular wholesaler or contracting company.
What is the significance of tracking our trending activities? This allows us to track all communication between our manufacturers, wholesalers, and contractors. We find it helpful to view trends of our activities so we can measure activity flows and identify slow or busy times based on time of year or an event such as COVID. We compare activity reports by user, account, territory, and manufacturer to analyze productivity and time spent.
What is a Case? Cases are customer service inquiries and basically any email that is sent to info@smsteam.co. This encompasses all quotes, orders, and general customer inquiries from wholesalers and contractors.
Why is the number of cases significant? These numbers give us an insight into how business is running in our current climate. We can track in the graph how many inquiries and orders we receive over a monthly basis.
What is an Order Target? Order Targets are how we track our orders as well as quotes. This enables us to follow up on our quotes and potentially update the status to an order. Please keep in mind that this data is based only on the emails that we are included on so it does not include all possible quotes and orders from our manufacturers. It is also important to note that this graph shows dollar amounts not the number of records for Order Targets.