At PRO1 we have been dedicated to the professional HVAC channel since our company’s conception. In return, our partners have helped our organization become one of the leading thermostat manufacturers in the industry. Although our business is not immune to the impacts of the COVID-19 virus, we would like to do everything we can to return the favor and support our industry partners through this challenging situation. Here are some ways we can help:
Fee Free – Drop Shipping –
As always, we are happy to drop ship our products directly to a technician or job site at no additional cost to you, our distribution partner. Simply place an order that meets prepaid freight or pay a small shipping cost to ship product directly where it is needed most. This eliminates the need to stock or handle our products when possible.
No Contact Emergency Thermostat Replacement –
(Advantage of PRO1’s Interchangeable Subbase System) Because PRO1 has utilized a professional only interchangeable subbase system since our inception, PRO1 is prepared to send preconfigured replacement thermostats under the direction of the professional HVAC technician which can be replaced by the homeowner and/or property managers for emergency replacement.
This only applies to consumers who already have a professionally installed PRO1 subbase installed at their property. Please view the “No Contact Emergency Thermostat Replacement” form or contact your PRO1 Regional Sales Director for more details.
During these difficult times we are proud to offer help for those areas most in need. PRO1’s Professional Subbase System allows us to send replacement thermostats directly to homeowners and property managers after being preconfigured at our facility at the discretion of the HVAC technician. All they have to do is snap it
on the subbase that was previously professionally installed. This program MUST go thru an HVAC wholesale distributor and professional heating & cooling contractor. We are limiting this to our key value-added models due to the financial stress our nation is experiencing. This includes the T701, T705, T715, T721, and T725.
This form should be filled out by the professional heating & cooling contractor then submitted along with a direct ship purchase order from a wholesale distributor. The shipping charges listed below will apply per unit. Once completed please email to For questions please contact us at 1-888-PRO1-IAQ (1-888-776-1427). Emergency Program expires 05/08/2020 unless extended in writing.